2013 Award for Teaching Excellence and Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning
It was with much excitement on the evening of November 19, that the Partnership in Teaching Excellence program, begun in July 2008 between UTAS and the DoE Tasmania (see here), received the award for Educational Partnerships and Collaborations with Other Organisations. I truly enjoyed working on this project in its first years, initially with Bob Phillips, who had the vision for the project, and then with Ruth Radford, as together we developed the project. When I left the University in September of 2010 the University liaison role was very ably taken over by Dr. Kerry Howells, and together Kerry and Ruth continued to develop and grow the program. It is wonderful that this amazing project has received the recognition it deserved. But most of all it is great to know that this project has made such an amazing difference in the lives of teacher education students, and by extension in the lives of many students in Tasmanian schools.
Since the inception of PiTE, thirteen Tasmanian schools have been involved in the program and 52 specially trained PiTE graduates have been placed and retained in hard-to-staff, low social economic status and rural schools.
Well done to all the many people, the students, teachers, mentors, administrative staff, principals, and university staff who have been involved over the last 5 and a half years in making this a truly transformative experience for all.