Oerlemans, K. (2022). Curriculum Journeys: Towards Inclusive Education. Canberra, ACT: KairosCT/Amazon Publishing.
Oerlemans, K., Montana-Hoyos, C., & Stracke, E. (2023). A comparison of quality assurance processes across three countries: Learning from case studies of curriculum development for employability and entrepreneurship in the MENA region. In Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Middle East: Practices and Perspectives, E. Sengupta & P. Blessinger (Eds.). Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Busby-Grant, J. & Oerlemans, K. (2022). Accessibility and support for online learners in Psychology: A case study of the use of videos to reduce statistical anxiety. In International Perspectives on Online Instruction, J. Hoffman & P. Blessinger (Eds.). Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, p. 9-24.
Oerlemans, K. (2017). Breaking the apprenticeship of observation through collaboration: A school University partnership in teacher education for high needs schools. In University Partnerships for Preservice and Teacher Development, P. Blessinger & B. Cozza (Eds.). Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, p. 127-146.
Andersen, P. & Oerlemans, K. (2011). Curriculum change: The context for the development of the Tasmanian Essential Learnings Curriculum. In Australia’s Curriculum Dilemmas, L. Yates, C. Collins & K. O’Connor (Eds.). Melbourne, VIC: Melbourne University Publishing.
Montana-Hoyos, C., Stracke, E., & Oerlemans, K. (2018). Cross-cultural collaboration for curriculum development of the first women-only Industrial Design program in Saudi Arabia. The International Journal of Design Education, 12(2), 11-22.
MacKenzie, A., Muminovic, M., & Oerlemans, K. (2017). The intentional use of learning technologies to improve learning outcomes in the studio. Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 5(1), 47-63.
Oerlemans, IK, (2010). Secondary Schools Students’ Engagement in Educational Change: Critical Perspectives on Policy Enactment (Thesis Abstract), British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31, (1), 1-2.
Oerlemans, K. (2010). Book Review: Planning for educational change: Putting people and their contexts first, by Martin Wedell. Journal of Education Policy, 25, (6), 799–800.
Oerlemans, K. (2007). Students as stakeholders: Voices from the Antipodes. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 39, 17-32.
Oerlemans, K., Vidovich, L., & O’Neill, M. (2006). Including Students? Student Voices in Policy and Educational Change. Curriculum Perspectives, 26(3), 23-33.
Oerlemans, K. (2006). Education Policy: Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy. Mark Olssen, John Codd and Anne-Marie O’Neill (2004) [Book review.] Education Research and Perspectives, 33(1), 161-165.
Oerlemans, K & Vidovich, L. (2005). Expert Witnesses: Voices of Significance. Journal of Educational Change, 6, 363-379.
Oerlemans, K. & Jenkins, H. (1998). There are aliens in our school. Issues in Educational Research, 8(2), 117-130.
Montana-Hoyos, C., Stracke, E., Oerlemans, K., Pianca, E., & Trathen, S. (2016). Curriculum in progress: Developing an industrial design programme for female students in Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE16), Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinarity, Aalborg, Denmark, 8th-9th September 2016, p. 210-215.
Oerlemans, K., & Busby Grant, J. (2015). Using Videos in Psychology: Accessible Information anytime, anywhere: The intentional use of videos in Psychology for learning and reducing statistical anxiety. Poster for ISSOTL conference, 27-30 October, Melbourne.
Oerlemans, K., & MacKenzie, A. (2015). Disruption and Change – Introduction of blended learning in the studio space. Paper prepared for ISSOTL Conference, 27-30 October, Melbourne.
Poot, A., Oerlemans, K., Kertesz, J., Hawkins, C., & Eversole, R. (2009). Supporting learning partnerships through the use of ePortfolios. Proceedings 8th Teaching Matters Conference: Partnerships for learning: On campus and beyond, UTAS, Sandy Bay, TAS
Oerlemans, K., May, E., & Hurle, B. (2007). Piloting online learning in Engineering Education, (Refereed Paper). Proceedings AARE, International Education Research Conference, Fremantle, 2007. (OER07242)
Oerlemans, K., Button, Y., Partridge, L., & Hurle, B. (2006). Making IT work: A case study in developing a Master’s program via MLearning. (Refereed paper) Proceedings Online Learning and Teaching Conference, Queensland University of Technology, 2006.
Oerlemans, K & Vidovich, L. (2003). Student Dilemmas – responses to systemic policy change at the grassroots. (Refereed paper) Proceedings NZARE/AARE, International Education Research Conference, Auckland, 2003. (OER03502)
Oerlemans, K. (2001). ‘Local Area Education Planning’ – Policy Planning and Practice. Proceedings AARE, International Education Research Conference, Fremantle, 2001. (OER01269)
Oerlemans, K. & Jenkins, H. (1999). Educating Adolescents: Restructuring schools in the interest of inclusive education. (Refereed paper) 1998 Humanities Graduate Student Conference Proceedings. Curtin University.
Oerlemans, K. & Jenkins, H. (1998). Their voice: Student perceptions of the sources of alienation in secondary school. Proceedings Western Australian Institute for Educational Research Forum 1998.
Oerlemans, K. Stracke, E. & Montana-Hoyos, C. (2018). Co-creating an Industrial Design Curriculum for a women’s only college in Saudi Arabia: The challenges of transnational curriculum development. Paper presented at IAACS 6th World Curriculum Studies Conference, Melbourne University, Australia. December 9-12.
Stracke, E., Oerlemans, K., & Montana-Hoyos, C. (2018). Female university lecturers’ perceptions of their academic practice in Saudi Arabia. Paper presented at 6th International Academic Identities Conference, Hiroshima University, Japan, September 19.
Oerlemans, K. (2017). The role of design studio in learning. University of Auckland. Staff Development Seminar series, Auckland, New Zealand. September 27 – October 4.
Stracke, E., Oerlemans, K., & Montana-Hoyos, C. (2017). Exploring career aspirations and pathways for undergraduate design female students in Saudi Arabia. Poster presented at Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Conference, Sydney, NSW, June 27-30.
Oerlemans, K., & MacKenzie, A. (2016) Passenger in the studio: The intentional use of learning technologies to improve learning outcomes in the studio. University of South Australia, Academic Development Webinar. E-Presentation. November 9.
Oerlemans, K., Hay, I., Castleton, G., & Fraser, S. (2009). “Part of the School” Pathways to practice: Evaluating a pilot partnership in school-based teacher education between UTAS and the Tasmanian DOE. Paper presented at the AARE, International Education Research Conference, Canberra, ACT, December 2 – 6.
Poot, A., Oerlemans, K., Kertesz, J., Hawkins, C., & Eversole, R. (2009). Supporting learning partnerships through the use of ePortfolios. Paper presented at 8th Teaching Matters Conference: Partnerships for learning: On campus and beyond, UTAS, Sandy Bay, TAS
Satterthwait, D., & Oerlemans, K. (2009). Building Confidence in Pre-service Teachers for Teaching Primary Science. Poster presentation at 8th Teaching Matters Conference: Partnerships for learning: On campus and beyond, UTAS, Sandy Bay, TAS
Mundy, J., Oerlemans, K., & Hunter, C. (2009). Preparing for the Profession: Embedding Course-based ePortfolios in Teacher Education. Innovation Showcase presented at Australian Teacher Education Association annual conference, Albury Wodonga, NSW. 28 June – 1 July.
Oerlemans, K., & Phillips, B. (2008). Pathways to practice: Piloting a new partnership in teacher education. Poster presentation at 7th Teaching Matters, UTAS, Launceston, TAS. December 4.
Oerlemans, K., May, E., & Hurle, B. (2007). Piloting online learning in Engineering Education, (Refereed Paper) Paper presented at AARE, International Education Research Conference, November 25-29.
Oerlemans, K., Button, Y., Partridge, L., & Hurle, B. (2006). Making IT work: A case study in developing a master’s program via MLearning. (Refereed paper) Paper presented at the Online Learning and Teaching Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, September 26.
Oerlemans, K. & O’Neill, M. (2005) Students in Educational Change: A Freirean Culture of Silence. Paper presented at Western Australian Institute of Educational Research August 6.
Oerlemans, K., Vidovich, L., & O’Neill, M. (2004) Including Students? Student Voices in Policy and Educational Change. Paper presented at University of Western Australia Graduate School of Education Research Forum, November 19.
Oerlemans, K & Vidovich, L. (2003) Student Dilemmas – responses to systemic policy change at the grassroots. (Refereed paper) Paper presented at NZARE, International Education Research Conference, Auckland, NZ, November 30 – December 3.
Oerlemans, K. & Vidovich, L. (2003) “We should have had a say” – students reflect on policy change at their school. Paper presented at University of Western Australia Graduate School of Education Research Forum, November 7.
Oerlemans, K. (2001) ‘Local Area Education Planning’ – Policy Planning and Practice. Paper presented at the AARE, International Education Research Conference, Fremantle, WA, December 2 – 6.
Oerlemans, K. & Jenkins, H. (1999) Educating Adolescents: Restructuring schools in the interest of inclusive education. (Refereed paper), Paper presented at Curtin University Humanities Graduate Students Conference, November 12-13.
Oerlemans, K. & Jenkins, H. (1998) Their voice: Student perceptions of the sources of alienation in secondary school. Paper presented at Western Australian Institute for Educational Research Forum, August 28-29.
Oerlemans, K. (2005). Secondary school students engagement in educational change: Critical Perspectives on Policy Enactment. Unpublished PhD, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia.
Oerlemans, K. (1997). Student perceptions of the sources of alienation in secondary school. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia.