One of the joys of working in a University environment, though one I suspect is no longer available, is the rich variety of work you have the opportunity to engage in. Donna Satterthwait is a brilliant science educator and one…
Researching and Leading for New Directions
This paper was a Innovation Showcase presented by myself with Jenny Munday and Carole Hunter from Charles Sturt Univeristy. The paper was presented at the 2009 Australian Teacher Education Association annual conference held in Albury Wodonga. The power of ePorfolios…
One of the joys I had when working at the University of Tasmania was to work as the liaison between the Faculty of Education and the Department of Educations award winning and innovative pathway, the Partnership in Teaching Excellence Programme.…
The next paper I want to share is from a fantastic pilot project I was involved in at The University of Western Australia. I worked with some great people on the project. The paper was originally presented at a conference,…
Using Pre-Service Teacher Research: Educating for Diversity I have long enjoyed using action research in my own practice as a way of improving and reflecting on my work. I am including here a paper intended for publication but not pursued, which describes my…
In 2009 as part of my work at the University of Tasmania, I became involved in the award winning Partnership for Teaching Excellence between the Tasmanian Department of Education and the University. I enjoyed working with in particular Ruth Radford, as we…