I love that scene in Kung Fu Panda. It is the end of the movie, and the team, including Po, have just defeated Tai Lung the fearsome snow leopard. Po is about to leave the village when his adoptive father,…
Researching and Leading for New Directions
Differentiating the learning experiences “I have a group of bright students in my class, how do I set work for them that engages them, but doesn’t have the feeling of being ‘extra’?” This was a question posed just recently – and…
Small Steps When you read Carol Tomlinson’s work she makes it all sound so easy, that it becomes almost overwhelming, but starting with small steps in your planning can help you overcome the complexities of differentiating the classroom. I arrived at…
So I have a new book, Creating the Opportunity to Learn, just in from the ASCD. And it has given me pause to reflect once again. Their emphasis in the title is on ‘the’ and the authors, A. Wade Boykin…