Exploring the use of Hargreaves & Shirley’s Fourth Way in Higher Education, within an action research framework to inspire change in university teaching and learning.
My colleague, Dr. Janie Busby Grant, and I have been conducting some very interesting research into the use of Videos for Teaching Statistics in Psychology. We will be presenting this research as a poster at the 2015 ISSOTL conference. The Abstract…
Projects completed in the Faculty of Health, SAFFIRE 2013-14 The above SlideShare are the posters created for the final UC showcase, of projects completed within the Faculty of Health, demonstrating the range and depth of work completed during SAFFIRE. Staff engaged…
Well I know that the title is a bit boastful, but I rather like this award, which was for the work completed on the SAFFIRE project at UC. What I liked about this award was the great team of people…
FIT: The Core Elements of Online Learning – A Prezi Presentation This Prezi on the core elements of online learning – the FIT model of Online Pedagogy, was presented at the Faculty of Health Showcase, 21 Nov, 2013. Follow this link…