My 5-step classroom planning process I was asked this question the other day. It was followed immediately by a second question, “Do you begin with the Australian Curriculum?” “No”, came my prompt response to the second part of the question.…
45 Years
The Arrival. 45 years ago I landed as an non-English speaking immigrant in Australia. I wish my teacher had had access to the Teaching learning cycle to support my learning in the classroom. The It is very useful in supporting the learning of NESB students either as a group or within the context of mainstream instruction.
Free Measure & Quote
Call now – For an obligation-free evaluation of YOUR classroom needs! Oh, if it were only so easy. Right? I recently decided it was time to replace the broken blinds in my family room. You know when blinds lose their…
Successful! Classroom Planning
Classroom Planning with Success in Mind! In a recent classroom, I had a student from a non-English speaking background, a student diagnosed with diabetes on medication, a student with dyslexia, another student with a non-specific learning disability, a student with…
Creativity in the Classroom
Planning with Williams’ Model of Creative Thinking Bubbles everywhere! I walked up to the Year 6 students blowing bubbles with their coloured bubble wands. Large and small, multicoloured, floating in the slight breeze of the hot day. In a creative…
3 Ways of Using Bloom’s Taxonomy
Did you know? One of the most commonly used taxonomies for understanding and planning education curricula, assessments and learning activities is Bloom’s Taxonomy. Named after the educational psychologist, Benjamin Bloom, who headed a team of researchers, the taxonomy was first…