Reflections from the farm

reflections on a teachers working life

Persisting through the stresses of a teacher’s working life I am visiting my sister and brother-in-law’s farm. 2018 was a tough year. The drought in New South Wales has been extensive and continues in many areas. The feed is low,…

45 Years

45 Years

The Arrival. 45 years ago I landed as an non-English speaking immigrant in Australia. I wish my teacher had had access to the Teaching learning cycle to support my learning in the classroom. The It is very useful in supporting the learning of NESB students either as a group or within the context of mainstream instruction.

All about Assessment Rubrics

All about Assessment Rubrics

Are you a rubric borrower? Do you hate having to craft rubrics from scratch? Here I discuss the importance of writing good rubrics, then help you by showing you where to go next and learn how to do it well! Become the expert in your school and stop the ‘borrowing’ trend.